Process Advisors

Process Advisors are campus administrators who have been trained in the resolution and investigation processes under the CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and RetaliationOpens in new window (Nondiscrimination Policy).  Process Advisors may attend investigatory interviews, meetings with the Title IX and Gender Equity Office, as well as meet individually with individuals (Complainants or Respondents) named in complaints under the Nondiscrimination Policy. 

Unlike a Certified Sexual Assault Advocate, Process Advisors do not have confidential protections under California statutes; they may be required to share information with the Title IX and Gender Equity Office.   However, Process Advisors can provide clarification on University processes under the Nondiscrimination Policy as well as connect individuals to campus resources for support.  To get connected to a Process Advisor, please contact the Title IX and Gender Equity Office at 657-278-2121, or email