
Living within a themed housing community provides you with an additional level of connection to the campus and helps you build a stronger sense of community through purposeful interactions with students, 工作人员, 教师, 和管理员. These communities can provide you with resources and support during your experience at 最可靠的买彩票平台.



Ujima, pronounced oo-JEE-mah, is a collaboration between 房屋及住宅工程 and the   非裔美国人资源中心在新窗口中打开 . Ujima, 这是宽扎节七项原则之一, 意思是“共同建设和维护我们的社区”, 把我们兄弟姐妹的问题, 共同解决我们的问题.宇岛提供文化, 教育, and social events and workshops that explore the needs and experiences of the African Diaspora, 将居民与黑人学生联系起来, 工作人员, 和老师, 并使学生在CSUF的学术和社交方面表现出色. 传统项目包括Ujima Smart Start, a summer welcome for the residents; Soulful Soiree; Boojima, a Halloween extravaganza; Melanin and Mental Health; and Ujima’s Got Talent. Residents of Ujima will engage and interact with their sister Ujima communities and other theme communities.


  • 社区:建立持久的, 在CSUF与同伴的支持关系, 工作人员, 教师和管理人员
  • Student Success: Develop strong academic skills and learn how to utilize various campus-based resources
  • Black Excellence: Engage in various programs and activities that empower students to thrive in their pursuit of scholarly and career goals
  • 文化:最可靠的买彩票平台交叉的传统, 散居非洲人的艺术形式和历史


  • 增加他们的归属感
  • Build relationships with diverse people and have a multicultural understanding of diversity and equity
  • Deeper understanding of self and pride in one’s identities to be able to effectively communicate one’s personal values enhanced by their own skills and experiences
  • 建立和发展鼓励积极的自我肯定和倡导的空间



雅典娜之家是一个温馨而安全的生活环境,专注于赋予权力, 教育, and connecting residents from diverse backgrounds and cultures about issues of gender equality and empowerment. 雅典娜之家与   妇女和成人再入中心在新窗口中打开 ,提供资源、支持、参与机会和活动. 就像女神雅典娜一样, 这个社区希望启迪和培养智慧, 勇气, 和居民的力量. 了解更多信息, 请通过womenscenter@fullerton与妇女和成人再入中心的工作人员联系.edu. We invite those who identify as women in search of an uplifting community to apply to live in 雅典娜的房子.


  • 与与你有相同兴趣的同事建立你的职业关系网
  • 最可靠的买彩票平台校园学术和课外资源
  • 参与校园和社区活动,以支持该楼层的使命


  • 增加他们的归属感
  • Build relationships with diverse people and have a multicultural understanding of diversity and equity
  • Deeper understanding of self and pride in one’s identities to be able to effectively communicate one’s personal values enhanced by their own skills and experiences
  • 建立和发展鼓励积极的自我肯定和倡导的空间



The 彩虹的房子 is a collaboration between 房屋及住宅工程 and the   Losquadro Keller LGBTQ资源中心在新窗口中打开 . 作为一个性别包容的楼层, 彩虹的房子 aims to provide a supportive and safe space for students of diverse gender experiences and sexual/romantic orientations. 认为自己是女同性恋的人, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿, 无性/ aromantic, 以及LGBTQIA+社区的盟友, 是否鼓励申请居留权.

彩虹屋还提供文化服务, 教育, and social programming that explores the needs and experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community, 并与学生建立联系, 工作人员, 以及有共同经历和兴趣的教员. 通过接触, residents will become more aware of their own social identities as they relate to their experience within the CSUF community, 在安全的空间里航行, 创造一种强烈的社区意识.


  • 与其他女同性恋同居的资格, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿无性/ aromantic, and/or ally identified students who are committed to creating an LGBTQIA+ inclusive campus environment
  • Quality programming and community engagement to further create awareness and knowledge surrounding issues within the LGBTQIA+ community
  • Direct access to resources within the Losquadro Keller LGBTQ资源中心 and the surrounding community
  • 一个支持你的社区,你可以进一步了解你的性取向, 性别认同, 性别表达与浪漫取向
  • 有机会参加社区活动并担任学生领袖


  • 了解LGBTQIA+社区面临的各种问题
  • 了解社区和公民参与的重要性
  • 了解如何参与倡导和结盟
  • 对自己的身份及其交叉点有更深入的自我理解
  • 与同事、职员和教员建立牢固的个人和专业关系
  • 了解和了解支持性的校园资源

Titans Unidos

Titans Unidos

The Titans Unidos Community focuses on developing a community that embraces and celebrates diverse Latinx cultures through programming and community events. Examples of previous programs hosted are the Titan Unidos Heritage Celebration and Dia de Los Muertos Celebration. Students who live in this community will gain a deeper understanding of current issues and events affecting Latinx communities. The community will also learn about the wide diversity throughout the Latinx community through an intersectional lens through intentional programming in collaboration with other theme communities. We invite those who identify with the Latinx community or those who are interested in understanding and uplifting Latinx identities and cultures.


  • 深入了解影响拉丁裔社区的当前问题和事件
  • Learn about the wide diversity throughout the Latinx community through an intersectional lens through intentional programming in collaboration with other theme communities


  • 增加他们的归属感
  • Build relationships with diverse people and have a multicultural understanding of diversity and equity
  • Deeper understanding of self and pride in one’s identities to be able to effectively communicate one’s personal values enhanced by their own skills and experiences
  • 建立和发展鼓励积极的自我肯定和倡导的空间

APISAA Community

APISAA Community

亚洲, Pacific Islander and South Asian American (APISAA) Community aims to create a space where students who identify as Asian, 太平洋岛民或南亚人可以了解更多关于广泛和庞大的APISAA侨民的信息. Students who live in this community will engage with 教育 and affirming programming that celebrates the wide diversity within the mosaic of the APISAA diaspora. 以前的项目包括APISAA马赛克节. Residents of this community will also engage with other themed communities through intersectional programming and events aimed at celebrating the contributions of marginalized identities within the APISAA community. We welcome all residents who identify as APISAA to apply to live in the APISAA Community.


  • Engage with 教育 and affirming programming that celebrates the wide diversity within the mosaic of the APISAA diaspora
  • 与其他来自亚洲、太平洋岛民或南亚的学生进行交流


  • 增加他们的归属感
  • Build relationships with diverse people and have a multicultural understanding of diversity and equity
  • Deeper understanding of self and pride in one’s identities to be able to effectively communicate one’s personal values enhanced by their own skills and experiences
  • 建立和发展鼓励积极的自我肯定和倡导的空间

Titan Transfer Gateway

Titan Transfer Gateway

The Titan Transfer Gateway is a living and learning community that focuses on creating a vibrant and engaging housing experience with programming and community events for transfer students. 与TAPP (Transfer)合作, 成人, 家长及怀孕学生中心), HRE will offer opportunities to maximize your time on campus to give an excellent Titan experience focused on academic success, 个人成长和职业发展与最可靠的买彩票平台. Activities and events will be focused on campus, the greater Fullerton Area and Southern California.


  • Activities and events focused on campus, the greater Fullerton Area and Southern California
  • Opportunities to maximize your time on campus to give an excellent Titan experience focused on academic success, 个人成长和职业发展与最可靠的买彩票平台


  • 增加他们的归属感
  • Build relationships with diverse people and have a multicultural understanding of diversity and equity
  • Deeper understanding of self and pride in one’s identities to be able to effectively communicate one’s personal values enhanced by their own skills and experiences
  • 建立和发展鼓励积极的自我肯定和倡导的空间

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